Monday, January 19, 2009

Michigan Men Pre Meet Pep Talk

Here is a great video from This is Mike Bottom, Head Men's Swimming Coach at the University of Michigan. The meet they are at is the Southern Methodist University Invitational held this past weekend in Dallas, TX. This meet was not a big meet for the Michigan Men. However Coach Bottom's words let the team know what he expects from them and, most importantly, what they should expect from themselves. The best swimmers in the world attack every meet with the sense of urgency we have been talking about this past week. It should not matter what time of year it is, where the meet is located, how hard practices were over the past day/week/month or what you ate for breakfast. When it is time to race you think of why you are there and what your purpose is and RACE!

I know first hand that Michigan's Men's Swimming Team does not just go to a meet and "flick a switch" to go into race mode. They are racing day in and day out at every practice. Remember, you first have to learn how to race everyday in practice before you can truly know how to race on meet days.

Swimming Videos on Floswimming