Sunday, September 23, 2007

Update on last post

I've gotten a lot of great feedback on the last post. Two things I wanted to add/clarify:

  • I do not think failure and losing are the same thing. For the purpose of the last post, failure is represented by not doing what is necessary to reach your goals. Losing is only what happens in a particular race. You can definitely lose a race and still be a success. It all depends on what your goals are, how you prepared for the meet/race, and how you approached that meet/race mentally.
  • It is important to understand failure as a possibility, but in no way do you have to accept failure as your fate.

The next logical thought would probably be something like..."so much talk about failure can be rather negative. How can failure be avoided?" I have been thinking about this all weekend and will be posting something in the next couple of days.